A few FREE bonuses just for you
How to build trust within your team
If you have a large team, small team, or even one assistant, how do you know they’re doing their work effectively, and are contributing to growing your agency?
What benchmarks do you have place to track success?
How do you show your appreciation for their hard work?
What opportunities are available for their development?
What motivates your team?
If you wanted to take some time off, could you trust your team to manage things without being glued to your phone, tablet or laptop?
How is your agency really doing?
What an agency owner often thinks is the problem may actually be a symptom of the real problem. When I work one-on-one with my clients, I want to ask them the right questions, to help them see see where the true problem(s) lie.
Learn more about my proprietary 12-Point Agency Health Check to focus on what’s truly important and relevant to each agency owner’s needs.
10 Things You Didn’t Know You Needed to Know about Funnels, Lead Magnets and Email Marketing
Our industry is unique and our target market is always evolving. However, there are some AMAZING digital marketing strategies for funnels and email marketing that continue to work despite the constant changes.
This list will help you eliminate the distractions and allow you to focus your time and energy on the marketing concepts that matter and convert.
What's inside:
✓ Pricing + features for 12 CRM companies, including
Sitter Pro
Care Captain
Service Owl
Engine Hire
✓ My advice on how to pick the best system for you and your agency
The MMC Complete Corporate Care Guide & Assessment
Sign up for this FREE 9-page guide to help set you and your agency up for success and prepare you for offering Corporate Care services.
Inside, you'll find:
✓ 12 recommended questions to ask with the strategies behind them
✓ 2 pricing models to customize and prepare
✓ Strategies for closing the deal
Invest in your staff without spending a dime.
I have a NEW resource thanks to my incredible business coach, Candice Cartner (CMC Coaching), that I AM LOVING! It is a support staff/office team member check-in questionnaire.
Skip the dreaded performance reviews and use my system to really get to the heart of issues efficiently and meaningfully without the fluff.
This tool is a must-have to maximize your employees’ stake, motivation, loyalty, and skills in your agency. It's also a perfect resource to grow your business from within.
Not sure what you need to do to start your own business or agency?
Please grab my FREE checklist and video guide where I'll walk you through everything you need to organize in order to start your new business on the right foot.
Here's what's included:
✓ 10 steps to complete
✓ A video of me going into more detail about some of the key steps
✓ Tax considerations for the business structure you choose
✓ How to protect yourself from liability
✓ How to set up a professional business address and phone number easily
✓ The #1 thing you shouldn't do as a business owner
I wish I knew then what I know now... Good grief!
If I could click my heels together and go back in time and avoid my biggest mistakes as an agency owner, I'd need a pretty good physiotherapist for my feet!
Jokes aside, I'm grateful for those 'learning opportunities' because no one is perfect, and if I hadn’t gone through those experiences, I wouldn't have all these lessons and strategies to share with you.
I am putting all my flaws and bloopers out on the table... what you see is what you get.
As a fellow business owner, I sincerely hope you never make the same mistakes I've made, and this guide will help you to become more successful in adapting to change, managing staff, and time management. After all, why did you start your own company?
Are your nannies co-employed?
My incredible Adam Griggs (with JA Knapp Insurance) has mentioned that the insurance companies have had multiple cases where the agency was charged with co-employment with their nannies.
So, he amazingly put together the following agreement for us! This is to be signed between the agency and nanny candidates so they know they are not co-employed! I am thankful for him and you all!
Disclaimer: As with any contract, make sure you consult with your lawyer and insurance broker before implementing this sample.
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