MMC Templates!
Email, voicemail, call and notecard scripts for your agency to adopt and implement immediately in your client and candidate processes.
This guide includes the very scripts we use at Preferred ChildCare LLC (my baby) to follow up and make sure no potential client and candidate leads fall through the cracks.
The social media package
Steal my agency’s content and branding strategies THAT WORK so you can stop stressing and wasting HOURS on your social media posts!
What’s inside:
33 Canva templates (including carousels!)
10-page guide with curated hashtags, tips, quotes + CTAs
New Canva tutorial showing how to CUSTOMIZE everything!
The Corporate Care Proposal Template
The Canva template alone will really help prepare your sales pitches, but we didn't want to stop there.
We have been in the ChildCare industry for over 20 years, so we've learned a few things along the way - the hard way. This is why we're combining the knowledge, tools, strategies, samples and webinars all here when you buy this Corporate Care Proposal Template.
Family Welcome Guide Template
Help your families understand your process and the services you offer. The Family Welcome Packet Canva Template clearly defines your agency's uniqueness.
Each guide has 12 pages and there is a Canva tutorial video included with each template purchase.
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