Good help is hard to find. Good part-time help is even harder to find! Why? Because (1) there are more part-time jobs available, and (2) when talent is looking for a temporary position, they are often less motivated by passion.
Part-time job seekers expect their next position to be short-term and not their chosen career where they plan on spending the next “x” number of years.
That’s why their criteria may shift to be more about finances and flexibility, which means YOU, as the employer, will need to adjust your strategies to find quality part-time childcare.
It’s tax season! For many nanny agency owners, this can often be one of the most painful requirements of entrepreneurship.
Few (maybe none) of us enjoy doing our taxes, and if we’re being honest, even for those of us who adore our accountants, the word “dread” often bookmarks this annual fiscal responsibility.
However, there are ways to minimize the dread and stress when completing your taxes (and other required administrative tasks for that matter). And there are hidden benefits and tax credits that commonly go unclaimed by nanny agency owners.
How to get your agency unstuck.
Most nanny agency owners operate from a scarcity mindset; however, it’s also usually that mindset that keeps them from thinking outside the box to find a creative solution that gets them unstuck.
Well friends, to wrap up our Winter Series, this one’s from me, Megan, to you as the-nanny-agency-owner-turned consultant-that’s-still-a-nanny-agency-owner-first.
Yes, THAT Megan, and I know you’re struggling because I’m struggling too, and I’m not sugar-coating this one.
Coaches are business owners, too.
Entrepreneurship can be lonely. Humans are social animals, and there’s something special about collaborating with other professionals who also work in your field.
You recognize this when you finally experience it and miss it when it’s lacking. That magic from small business owners huddling together in a dedicated time and space—away from distractions and intentionally learning, sharing, commiserating, and laughing.
Okay, so every nanny agency owner knows the advantages of being an entrepreneur—HELLO creative autonomy and limitless earning potential. But what are the benefits that you miss out on when doing it alone?
Work less, create more: marketing edition.
The weather might be cold outside, but we’re about to set fire to your creativity.
Welcome to our four-part winter series where we will be giving you insider tips that we normally charge for, starting here and continuing all month long.
To kick us off, we’re demystifying marketing. Specifically—using plain language—we’ll give you a four-week mini-plan so you can level up your nanny agency to compete in today’s childcare industry.
The marketing trifecta = funnels, lead magnets, and email marketing.
The Modern Face of Personal Growth
How personal growth impacts your professional results.
New year… new quarter… January… fresh starts… we get it! We love talking about personal growth, so much so that we made it one of our core values at MMC:
“Life is a collection of experiences and decisions. We believe that growth should happen every day, so we make better decisions, positively impact the world around us, and feel good about ourselves.”
We’re guessing that you don’t always think of personal and professional growth as being intertwined. However, more and more experts (like my own coach and nanny industry juggernaut Candice Cartner) concur that there’s a powerful intertwined relationship between personal and professional growth.
Human development is holistic and undeniably connects “individual you” with “business you.”
The Top 5 Mistakes Agency Owners Make (and How to Avoid Them)
Owning a nanny agency can be an incredibly rewarding experience! With over 20 years of experience working with families and nannies, I have been told we have helped “marriages survive” and “single moms financially provide for their children.” We have created thousands of jobs in our local community and have positively impacted the lives of countless children. Yet, the journey into business ownership was not easy. I made a lot of mistakes along the way, and at MMC, we want to help our clients learn from those mistakes to more quickly and easily achieve success!
Here are some of the most common mistakes I see agency owners make and suggestions for how to avoid them in your agency.
Tips for Nanny Agency Owners to Stay Positive When Business is Slow.
Understanding the Ups and Downs of the Nanny Agency Business
As a nanny agency owner, it is important to recognize that the industry experiences seasonal fluctuations. Different times of the year may see increased or decreased demand for nanny services. Understanding these patterns can help you navigate slow times with resilience and optimism.
Running a nanny agency can be both rewarding and challenging. It requires a deep understanding of the industry and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances. By being aware of the ups and downs of the business, you can better prepare yourself for the journey ahead.
I hate New Year’s resolutions. Why? Because they are about comparison, illusion, and hollow victories. Here’s what I’ll choose to do instead.
We treat New Year’s resolutions like a sprint—get to the destination as quickly as possible—rather than protecting our resources for a marathon of enduring results.
To enjoy true success, you need to establish a long-range vision that lasts beyond 12 months.
So, what’s an ambitious goal-setter to do? Let’s highlight what you should ask yourself to better spot those sabotaging short-sighted resolutions.
Part reflection, part prediction, full honesty. We put our Fearless Founder & Chief Consultant in the hot seat for a no-holds-barred discussion.
I rubbed my hands together with glee when Megan told me our theme for December was “reflections.” As a 2023 addition to her team, I saw this as a golden opportunity to press her insights and collect answers to (everyone’s) burning questions. Transparent to her marrow, Megan not only obliged but exceeded all expectations for a true CEO “AMA” (Ask me Anything).
2023 Tenacity.
Diana: “If you could summarize 2023 in one word, what would it be?”
Megan: “Perseverance.”
Diana: “Personal or professional, please tell me three good things that happened to you in 2023.”
How To Prepare Your Nanny Agency For The End Of The Year.
Running a successful nanny agency requires careful planning and preparation, especially as the end of the year approaches. Understanding the importance of year-end preparation is crucial for maintaining business success and setting the stage for a prosperous new year. By focusing on key areas such as financial review and planning, staffing and training considerations, updating policies and procedures, and implementing effective marketing and client retention strategies, you can ensure that your nanny agency is well-equipped to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
Understanding the Importance of Year-End Preparation